Iframe settings

The Iframe component in Boards on Fire is used to visualize various types of content, such as web pages, Microsoft Power BI reports, or Excel files.

When you click on "Iframe Component" in the component menu, a box with a settings button will appear. Click the button to open the settings, as shown in the next image.

In the settings for the Iframe component, you enter the URL of the location you want to display in the component. You can also set a time interval for how often the URL should be refreshed. The settings include an option to display a navigation button. This adds a green button with the text "Open Page" on top of the document. When you click this button, the location visualized in the Iframe component will open. This serves as a shortcut to access the webpage or document directly.

The "Open Page" button appears when the navigation button is enabled.

With content from certain sources, it is possible to manipulate the URL to make the Iframe window perform new actions. This is done by adding a suffix to the link you input into the component. The suffixes we are familiar with are:

All Microsoft services:

1. &action=embedview – Required to make the link work.


1. &wdAllowInteractivity=True – Makes the document’s content interactive.

2. &wdbipreview=True – Displays BI content within the sheet.

3. &wdHideSheetTabs=True – Hides the sheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel file.


1. &autoplay=1 – Automatically starts playing the video.

2.&loop=1 – Automatically replays the video when it ends.

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